Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Participant : Ass. Pr. Xavier Défago.

    • Date: from 16 Sep. 2013 to 31 Jan. 2014

    • Institution: Dependable Distributed Systems Lab., Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Nomi, Ishikawa, Japan

    • This visit is founded by CNRS and shared between the OASIS and COATI teams.

  • Participant : Pr. Gabriel Wainer.

    • Date: from 14 Jun. to 13 Jul. 2013

    • Institution: Carleton University, Ottawa (CA)

    • This visit is in the context of our DISSIMINET associated team

  • Participant : Pr. Yixiang Chen.

    • Date: 14-17 Oct. 2013

    • Institution: East China Normal University, Shanghai (CN)

    • This visit is in the context of our DAESD associated team

  • Participant : Ass. Pr. Min Zhang.

    • Date: 11-16 Sep. 2013

    • Institution: East China Normal University, Shanghai (CN)

    • This visit is in the context of our DAESD associated team

  • Participant : Elena Giachino.

    • Date: 27-29 Mar. 2013

    • Institution: Univ. of Bologna

    • Subject: Collaborative work on deadlock analysis for ABS and ASP

  • Participant : Pr. Mizuhito Ogawa.

    • Date: 26-29 Mar. 2013

    • Institution: Dependable Distributed Systems Lab., Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Nomi, Ishikawa, Japan.

    • Subject: Collaborative work on fundamental aspects of distributed computing and theorem proving techniques.

  • Yanwen Chen
    • Subject: Programmation d'applications hétérogènes embarquées et distribuées

    • Date: from Jan. 2013 until Jun. 2013

    • Institution: East China Normal University (China)

    • This visit is in the context of the cotutelle PhD of Yanwen Chen, under the direction of E. Madelaine.

  • Dongqian Liu
    • Subject: Generation of behavioural models in the VerCors platform

    • Date: from Oct. 2013 until Dec. 2013

    • Institution: East China Normal University (China)

    • This visit is in the context of the DAESD associated team.

  • Michel Jackson de Souza
    • Subject: Distributed coherent snapshot solution for the P2P CAN-based EventCloud

    • Date: from July 2012 until Aug. 2013

    • Institution: UFBA Federal University of Bahia (Brasil), Science sans Frontière brazilian mobility program

    • This visit is organized after spontaneous contacts, as a complementary work for the student bachelor studies.